Diane Adolph

Diane Adolph
Diane Adolph is an accomplished visual artist with a working studio/gallery in Victoria, BC. She is recognized for her bold use of colour and her unique composition and design ability which is depicted in her bright acrylic city scenes and still life paintings. Never without her camera, she is constantly capturing the landscape of this beautiful city and other traveled places, which one day will be joyfully rendered on canvas in her own unique style.
The inspiration and need to create is the driving force behind her works and often times she is drawn into more intuitive realms of abstract expression, which has also been favourably recognized.
Participation in a multitude of shows over the years, including the Sooke and Sidney Juried Fine Arts Shows, artist in residence programs and representation in local galleries has kept Diane's work in the public eye over the last 30 years.
Her work is held in private collections locally and worldwide.